Gulliver Travels Part 4

Gulliver leaves his pregnant wife only after five months to go back to sea. He then comes across this island with creatures with human like characteristics. These creatures are actually humans but without respect, sanity, or anything. These creatures were called yahoos. They then approached Gulliver with intentions of hurting him but was saved by the horses. The horses are just like normal horses but they communicate like humans. Gulliver stays with the horses and learns their government and way of life. Gulliver was accused by the horses of being a yahoo but persuaded them otherwise. He explained how everything was where he came from. The horses got very affended when Gulliver was explaining how they were used back at his home. Things only got worse from then. Gulliver master then tells him he could no longer stay there. He then goes back home but is angered. everyone their reminds him of yahoos.

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In part 4 Swift uses satire to mainly discredit human society as a whole. It showed how people really are. For example how the horses looked down on the yahoos as beast, creatures, and thought they were so much better. Gulliver didn’t mind staying however. He actually thought it was better. There were no crimes or anything of the sort.

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